Tuesday, August 5, 2008

End the Day with a Smile

i dunno what im feeling exactly but maybe my mind is full of thoughts i can't easily accomplish in a single tick of a clock. Its kinda complicated having these series of exams. But this time i haven't prepared in all my subjects because what troubled me the most is my culinary exams.. Haven't find my recipe yet for my appetizers and relish..argh i must pass the requisition form today yet the problem is,,what should i cook??LOL its no use borrowing those utensils when i dont know what to make/cook tomorrow..it should be the recipe first so i would know what to borrow..T_T

I desperately need help. There are lots of recipes over the net and its hard for me to choose one..hahaha I want something presentable and unique to the eyes of the critics.(arte)LOL

although my day began in cramming, i always ended up with a smile. I know He's always there. Thank you so much!!!

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