Monday, October 20, 2008

Is it him whom i've waited for so long?


i don't know exactly why im acting so weird all these times.
things i dont usually do,,surprisingly i made it with no doubt?
but i got confused with what im feeling right now.
am i suppose to be happy?
shall i fight for this weird feeling i felt for the first time??
or let go of it and let God do the work for me?for us?T_T

although i can live alone,
the moment i know this guy and the more i know about him
it makes me long and need him more.
this pain is drowning me...
i dont know if this is right to say, "my heart is more secured to him now"
or is this just a mistaken feeling??
i understand he too is confused about everything..
and i think i'd better give ourselves the space to think.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Unutterable Words

u know how much i can tolerate physical pains

but this???

im telling you, im not gonna survive with things such as, u know....

i just dunno what's holdin me back mybe the fear of being---?
i always mess up with stuff like this
that's why im running away..
yet something is pulling me back to where ive started..

its weird though.
after all those times,
im not over it.
i could not think of any reason why everything turns down.

you think im the one to be blamed??

you think i really deserve to be happy??


not that easy coz i cant turn back time...

you think it would be better to ignore it??

maybe it might fade tomorrow... :confused:
lol i dunno exactly when that tomorrow would be..

but if something awaits me,,
ah eh---
let's just see what will happen
so i could take the proper action..

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