Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Meeting the One

If you hold that frequency of unconditional love
If you have reached that place in yourself
and its your fervent wish to meet that person
and to experience the divine relationship of service,
know then that you will meet this person.

Know fully in your heart that the person you seek
is there for you around the corner in time.
Let go of any desperation or need to be with this person.
Be truly comfortable and in balance as a single entity.
Find happiness in this single path and
let go of that need to be with your twinflame.
and then that person will come into your life.

For one of the greatest tools that your disposal for
creating your own reality is the tool of knowing
And being happy without it and letting go of it.

For letting go is the key to manifestation.

We are the white-winged consciousness of mind. ^_^


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Don't See You In Him

Dear Lord,

Although my soul is certain that my heart was made for him, i couldn't love a man who doesn't have Your Heart. unless maybe a transformation is made on him. And "Only You" can do that.

I dont see You in him.
There's no point of holding on.
Coz I believe I deserve someone better.

I feel sad for him that he couldn't even recognize me- the soul behind the person.
And I know its him Lord whom I've been looking & waiting for so long. But I think I need to find someone on this lifetime to get past of him. And when that time comes, when everything is right, I know all will fall into place. For the mean time, I'm giving that man everything he needs to learn. And please take care of him.

I don't feel bad. I swear.
But we couldn't be friends somehow.
Or else I couldn't give him the chance to grow and realize
what You need him to learn to be a better person. ^_^
Even if it means handing him in the care of another person.
I'd be happy for him. Just do your work on him Lord.
I know in my heart he is a good man.

Thank you Lord...I feel so loved and blessed.
Coz only You can satisfy me.
I would never exchange you Lord to anybody.
If he wants to be the second then maybe I could let him in.. ^_^

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