i think i really got nothing to say..
as of the moment, im alone so i turn the speaker's volume to the fullest
aww...haha,,its kinda
embarrassing to let you know im a bit scared right now..
the reason why i set the speaker too loud..hahaha
remembering my nightmare last night makes me shiver with fear and crazy at the same time..
its about my bro's pet(i dont know what kind of creature is that..some sort of a dragon you would usually see in cartoons..wait wait...let me find a similar pic that suits my description)
aha!!!this is him!!!

i am UNCONDiTiONALLY and iRREVOCABLY hating him!
the only difference is the color and its expression.
That one on my dream is white in color outlined with red and looks devilish!!!
this one looks so sweet despite his sad face.hihi
i tried to sleep sound last night its because im not feeling good..
but this little devilish dragon bugged me on my dreams causing me a sleepless night.
this was my nightmare...
My bro and I are sleeping in one room.i don't know who's house was that.
Somebody had awakened me up however my body can't move. I wanted to see his face but i couldn't. Luckily, i am able to catch a glimpse on him. a dragon??
"what is that?? why can't i move??"
trying to reach this little devil, wanting to throw him a punch but i wasn't able to move..
i really wonder why i can't move when all he does is watching me intently with a devilish eyes..and would go around me...grrr i prayed to God for the strength. i shouted for help as loud as i could but sad to know its only me who could hear myself. A couple of minutes passed and God granted my prayers...
at last,i caught him!!!!and hit him hard on the head.
i know this is a crazy dream.haha
quickly, i wake my brother up to chain his stupid pet. "hey!you put that devil back on his cage", i said furiously. "I'll just hold him hard so he couldn't escape from me."
[to be continued...]
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