Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First job hunting

This is the first day of our hotel hopping and job hunting at Bacolod. Look at us. We look like a withered grass.haha Because of the late distribution of the endorsement, some hotels are full and weren't accepting practicumers anymore. its because as what i had mentioned on my previous post, they don't have such things like ours. those interview thingy, trainings and seminars of which, on our side, is a big advantage compared to the other schools. why? our school, La Consolacion College-Bacolod has been training the students well in all aspects - like the series of events at school. Their primary purpose is to let us experience what would it really be in the world of hospitality industry..

4 STAGES before the issuance of ENDORSEMENT Letter:

A)THE ORIENTATION - the DO's and DONT's on duty. its all about the same old stuff being reminded to us again and again. and that no-comment demo from a practitioner for our practical exam on baking.

B) THE INTERVIEW- wearing our executive uniforms, some students went to school as early as seven in the morning like those that happened when applying jobs. the early you came, the early your chance to be interviewed. This is for us to gain knowledge about the basic questions and also experience the tension on how it feels to be interviewed by the hotel practitioners *LOL*

C-1)THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAM (Housekeeping subject) - to test back our learnings during the past 2 semesters. if it stayed on your memory or not. (Like that?hahaha)

C-2) THE PRACTICAL EXAM (Baking subject) - this part is really easy but that time its kinda frustrating.

Setting: all the ingredients are placed on top of the long table. the flour, oil, butter, salt, sugar, eggs, the fruits(for garnish) and the fountain of life.. i mean the choco fountain. ^^ for dips..and on the second divider are the utensils to be used.

one by one, all the ingredients were given and measured according to the recipe by the lab assistant. and then its up to you what to do next. not that hard because the recipe is just short and easy. well after doing the step by step procedure accurately based on the demo the day before, i'd still come up with a batter of super wet texture. the one on which you can't pipe your own design in a baking sheet. and so i head back to the long table to add some flour. what do the lab assistant said that flamed me up? you can have an extra flour provided you should put your name on the list. For what? for deduction? wow. it's been said in the demo that if the mixture is too wet, you can add flour. But what had happened? They won't allow. i asked why, my adviser said, "we have baked it right with the given measurements meaning there is no problem with the measurement. it depends on how you do the procedure. "

I've been thinking what made me wrong. i mean us wrong. because all of our mixtures are very light in consistency. too light to decorate the design you want. My teacher said the mixture should be cooled off before mixing it with flour. We insisted because we just followed the demo from "somebody". in other words the demonstrator is wrong? if that's the case, they should've not invited somebody outside the school. well, thank God the first batch of my Eclairs i baked, the one i plated for my presentation, had puffed up. LUCKY!! the second batch? its very similar to pancake. haha very useless! and guess what? i got 100% on my exam.haha those frustrating moments had paid off.Thanks God! *whew*

D) ENHANCEMENT TRAINING - (im already lazy in typing.haha barely noticed ive been typing long)

Our Visit at The Ruins

Summer had begun and at long last, after those series of trainings, interview and exams, our school has been giving out our endorsement letter to start our practicum in different establishments. But before preoccupying ourselves with work and busy schedule, the word "fun and enjoyment" had never been disregarded in our list since the school year began.

the usual kitchen routine - preparing, cooking, cleaning the area or
serving meals to the guests;
cleaning the guestrooms, public areas, etc;
had always been a very stressing and tiring work to all HM students.

You may never want to be under stressed all the time right?
So why don't give yourself a time to relax, and have fun?

Meet Diane.
She's a dear friend of mine. We started being friends during the 2nd semester. Doing things together always at school made us close. Then we started to knew each other and noticed we shared the same tastes in life..^^

What made us close?
we dream and do unusual things,
we love adventuring,
we laugh at the silliest/boring things we encounter,
we appreciate small things/pleasures,
we're not smokers, or alcoholics
and we're both crazy.

If I weren't transferred to another section, I may never have the chance to know her.
God's plan. I know. Thanks..^^

mae turns 18

i made this one for my sis. we're like crazy having photo shoot in our garden. so far i'd come up with this..haha the touch?not that professional but somehow okay na rin xia..LOL

it's her birthday this coming sunday, May 3.maybe there's a small event at home..^^ gonna post the pix after her debut for a little update.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1+1 = FEET

This photo was taken during the House blessing of my uncle. i just did a little editting due to boredom attack today. *LOL*

The one with a yellow nails painted on is my foot and the other half is my sis'.. painted with yellow because of the occasion's motif. as well as it matches the color of my uncle's 2-storey yellow house.amswalk

ohaaayz.. i could feel the boredom today. this is the best thing to do i think
*jump* *jump* *jump*

im exhausted for the fact that starting today i'd be turning again as a busy person.
been wondering if some Hospitality Management schools undergo screening before OJT. i have lots of requirements to comply before we could have a practicum. We have a whole day orientation, a nerve-breaking interview, neck-stiffing comprehensive exam on housekeeping subject, practical exam on my baking class and an Enhancement Training before we could get our endorsement letter from the school. ill...ill....sick

Another thing that pressures me is our school requirement of 200 hours of duty on which we have to finish it 1 week before May 22. hu !?Im planning to work 8-12 hours a day so i could finish my 200 hours before the deadline. guess can't do it..hahah that's self-abuse. LOL

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Failure to Launch

just got my fave lines from the movie "Failure to Launch"
and posted them here right away so i won't forget about it. *grin*
lol..this is crazy i know. but somehow i can relate with these lines.

Tripp: Do you have real feelings?

Paula: Of course I have real feelings!

Tripp: For what?

Paula: For you!
And believe me I did not want that
because I had a good life before you.

Well, not good...
it was okay.
Well... it was empty actually,
but at least I was blissfully
unaware of how miserable I was.

Where as now...

because of you...

I am acutely aware of how completely
and totally unhappy I am.
Thank you for that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I want to love you

I want to love you.mp3 -

just found this song over the net..
and was fallen in love with the lyrics and the melody too..
not the way the singer sings though..haha peace out^^
is it a combination of a gospel and a love song??i guess so.

sadly, it's incomplete.. can't figure out the whole meaning of the song.kinda curious.
been searching the net since last week but couldn't find it though.. T_T
anybody who can help me find the other half of the song?
i would really appreciate the effort..


- amswalk♥

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Unutterable Words (Last Part)

Again, i haven't talk to him for almost a week or two?
Nothing.. I just remembered him
And Im not bothered if he too remembers me just once in a while.
I dont care, and i wont be expecting anything from him,
Now that we're too far from each other.
I dont exactly know why its haunting me since the day we had met.
Ahh...stop! stop! stop! I dont wanna spend my time thinking about
stuff which im not suppose to be thinking.

Moving on...

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