The one with a yellow nails painted on is my foot and the other half is my sis'.. painted with yellow because of the occasion's motif. as well as it matches the color of my uncle's 2-storey yellow house.
ohaaayz.. i could feel the boredom today. this is the best thing to do i think
*jump* *jump* *jump*
im exhausted for the fact that starting today i'd be turning again as a busy person.
been wondering if some Hospitality Management schools undergo screening before OJT. i have lots of requirements to comply before we could have a practicum. We have a whole day orientation, a nerve-breaking interview, neck-stiffing comprehensive exam on housekeeping subject, practical exam on my baking class and an Enhancement Training before we could get our endorsement letter from the school.
Another thing that pressures me is our school requirement of 200 hours of duty on which we have to finish it 1 week before May 22.

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