Have you ever grown tired of asking for money every now and then?
but then you don't have any choice whom to turn to but your parents?
and when you ask, you hear statements like "where would you spend it?" "that's too much" "we don't any left for our lunch" and some other stuff like that..*deep sigh*
Being a student is really a pressure for me especially if you're enrolled in a course with a lot of expenses..ingredients for dishes especially.it costs a lot of money. grrr...
every week, i have this where-should-i-get-the-money headache since i've got two subjects that requires purchasing of ingredients. too bad 'coz my savings are also used for my school expenses. But when bankruptcy settles on me, i would really ask money from my mom eventhough its kinda embarrassing. because im not really the type who always ask for help if i still can manage the situation. *dont have choice*
few hours ago, i asked again *lost 5 confidence points in the process*

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