some people might think you're getting crazy day after day smiling, laughing for some

...whereas in silence, we could untangle our hearts and minds a bit
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Ahm...Ouch Na Igo Q...hehe.. Hmm Im One Of The GreAtest PretenDer That,,, Let's Just Say "ExPert" In HiDing My TrUe IdeNtIty... HOw AboUt U??? Hmm Are U HiDing SometHing UnDerNeath Ur ClOthes??
ReplyDeletehala sorry lng..hehe didn't mean it.that post was done before i had read your blog.
ReplyDeleteako?hahaha totally transparent na. before cgro uu,but lately, i've turned into different person.. thnx to God =)
i'll post about it when im not lazy..haha