almost the same experience i would say.
"For years I went through life confused about what I believed in.
My parents were religious [my father is a spiritual person] and although I believed in God and tried to follow their faith, there was always something missing. Things didn’t quite add up and I was left confused and with many questions. I turned away from religion and carried on for a few years drifting aimlessly along.
But then my twin soul came back into my life [except this: we had known each other in childhood] but there were no “sparks” back then, and my whole world was turned upside down. I went three years of feeling so much love and also so much fear and pain when it came to my twin soul and myself.
I didn’t know what was going on except for I felt petrified when I loved twin so much but didn’t actually like him as a person (at that time). My spirituality was becoming more apparent to me; I began to see deep down that some of the most real things in life were those that I couldn’t see with the naked eye. But I was too scared to believe in what I felt and knew to be true in my heart, so I carried on for years in great pain, convincing myself I was crazy and it was all in my head. [exactly..felt so insane, imbalanced]
But I knew in my heart that what we felt for each other amongst all the chaos, pain and fighting was real. In fact it was the most real thing about my life. [agreee!!!] But I didn’t have a logical explanation for it, so I blamed it on “obsession” and “weakness”. For however much we tried to push each other away out of fear, we always came back together by this feeling of massive magnetism. It was like I physically couldn’t help but be pulled to him, even if my ego wanted to cut all ties. [this is exactly what i wanted but can't do anything but to accept it] But, what I didn’t realise then is that the ties can never be cut. It was all a lesson in accepting oneself and others unconditionally.
Because he was the counterpart of my soul, I had to learn how to accept that mirror image I saw in him and come to love myself through those feelings of intense vulnerability. He also had to do the same. [i am hoping he would do the same] It’s an ongoing process, but once the difficulties of coming to accept oneself have been overcome, the Joining back together with the other half of your soul is amazing beyond what any human words could ever describe." Continuation

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