For my s0ul rec0gnizes u..
And 0nly u can c0mplete me..
Because y0u are
my 0ther HALF,
the 0ne, im waitng
f0r all 0f my life.
You're always
g0nna be the 0NE.
I c0uldn't believe t0 have f0und the REAL THING in u. Thank u s0 much Mr. Archir.N0 w0rds can ever measure 0r explain. N0b0dy c0uld understand this. F0r we b0th know, it's just between God and us.
I'll always treasure you. ^_^
Take care.
L0ve and light,

....hala ka joy ah!:)
ReplyDelete...abi ko ka recover ka na...
hoi..wag kang OA.. okay na ah,,naaccept ko nana ya.anhon ko na?but xympre i have to keep on movin forward,.^_^