Four days to go, its Christmas time! Excitement and a bit inexplicable sensation washed me inside. I started making my 3-in-1 wish list. That's for Christmas, my special day and graduation. haha What's nice about making wish list is that they do come true. I had 2 wish list that were granted already..Amazing! Except for the last one wish on my 2nd list I made in Cebu.I don't know if its delayed or is never meant to be granted. Anyway, let's see.
My 3rd wish list is kind of impossible so maybe it'll take time to work. I believe it'll come true. So this is it. I'll just wait for next year for the proper receiving.♥ I don't wish the exact title of the gift that it should be __________. I wont complain Lord. All experiences behind me are just a preparatory stage and I learned so much from it. I know you're gonna give the best gift ever. It would not be the one I dreamed of, but likely the one I had never dreamed of. Another one of a kind experience. I'm smelling something great would happen. Sweet Aroma! ^_^
Oh btw, I just want to transform this bad feeling into something positive that's why I blogged. hehe well, if I can't have you maybe its really never meant to happen. I'm beginning to accept that fact or else I'll be torturing myself forever with those white lies I'd come up just believing that me and you will be together someday. But my heart know those aren't just lies. Its the truth i received from my inner guidance. Thanks though. God knows how much I do..
How much I prayed,
How much I hurt,
How much I learn,
How much I've changed,
How much I want to reconnect with you,
How much I miss you..
How much I love you without expecting you to love me.
But even how many "how much's" would life took me,
I guess that could never be enough.
Im T.I.R.E.D. but why do I endure?
I supposed this is what TRUE LOVE is.
Even how much it consumes you, it's what makes you tough and endure pain.
this is truly maddening yet kind of magical experience.

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