♥ Love Pudding
August 12, 2012
Made a pudding last night.put few slices on the fridge
that were left uneaten.On the morning,I took it out for
breakfast.My mom and sis each took a slice and left the
kitchen.When I was about to take mine, Im surprised to see
a tiny heart formed.CUUUUUTE! It made my day ^^
♥ Love Scar
July 23, 2012
My bro and dad were on duty.
My mom and sister went shopping.
The youngest was at school.
I am left alone.Well, the usual case.
While Im frying, I got myself burned with a hot oil.
the first time it happened as far as I can remember.
Washed with water then treated my left hand with aloe.
TADAN! *Brown-out* Twas a great timing, when I reached out
for the flashlight at the window,it wasn't there.
Too dark but I made myself to my mom's room by creeping.
Thank God. Back to the kitchen, after a few mins the lights went on.
How to call that day? Malas? Maybe?
At the end of the day, I asked something from God.
5 Days After..
I noticed something on my left hand.The scar formed into heart.
Forgive the low quality photo.XD But I showed it in the house
and they also can't believe.Im surprised at the same time amazed.
My confusion level dropped to 2.haha
So instead of feeling pain, I rejoice seeing it on my hand.haha
Lovely lovely, isn't it?? I just realized that day was really a
BubLove in a fishbowl
Two fishes in love = heart bubbles
This photo is from peggy.
She had witnessed my heart sighting
when I saw a cloud formation of I <3 u last may 4.I wasn't able to
take a photo on it.But i remember,twas a full moon.On that day on,
it made her love hearts and she's starting too see them too.
It's kinda contagious.haha
August 28,2012
I forgot why I was eating alone that time.Sleepy while eating.
I was about to spoon the mango. Actually I did already, you can see
that spoon mark at the heart center. I was to eat it. When...
HEART! #CaptureTheMoment.haha
August 29, 2012
zombie moment while cutting leaves at the kitchen.I was awakened to
see a hole formed into heart in a leaf(tugabang). SUPER HAPPY!haha
I know you know what makes my day LORD
Sept 6, 2012
Everybody's not around.
Thanks to Sky and Jadoo for the company.
I so much love these guys despite their "KULIT" attitude.
You wont feel alone in the house.^^
*Making vegetable salad* when I was about to shred the carrots,
as usual, HEART! That what keeps me awake!
@Alegre side with HANNAH and RHEA (2011)
My spa. after tiring days of duty - it feels good to soak with
crystal clear salty water every weekend starting 11am .
Complete elements- water,air,fire,earth.A well-balanced place.
what's amazing there, the blue stones I got on my every visit which
only me can see. A somewhat magical place ^^
That pix was took and cropped by Rhea. She showed me,"joi,malipay
ka gid kng mkita mo ni."
Me: Ano na haw?
Rei: lantawa bla..ngform heart.
Me: halaaaaaaaaa..
Rei: my isa pa gid.
Me: hala ka weirddddd..pero ka nice.thank you
Meet hearty..
August 29, 2012
Hannah & Krista, Mom's adopted,sisters by heart, surprised
me at where they are.Because they told me the day before they're
going to Iloilo. So I called.
*sudden shift of sails?hahaha*
Peg: Nang, pakta din kami.
Me: Din na kamo aw?
Peg: indi kami gani mgpati ari kami di ni koala..
Me: Cebu??
Peg: OO nang, ari kami sbng Alegre..pakadto kami sa beach na prmi nio
Me: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa? 2od?? mga buang.ahai na miss ko da..
Blue stones lang akon.. ai ndi gale,,heart na lg.
Peg: Ari na kami di nang, pahangin2.. wala gid di blue stones. para lang
gid to gro cmu.Nang lakat2 ko to danai hu.ari c koala..
Me: hello han..te, musta na cla nanay?
Han: Ok mlg di cla.damo na di ngchange sa dagat.nagtinlo na gid.My cr pa.
Me: Hala 2od?
*peg shouting*
Peg: Nang jooooooi! Kita ko heart! Heart gid xia ya,halaa kanami.
perfect heart gid xia ya..
Timing? I found that place mysteriously mystical and beautiful.
And my blue stones too.. ^_^
Thanks so much peggy and koala for bringing Hearty to me..
Im touched!I remember the moments when I found those blue stones.
*Jumping with joy*
Mae: hala ngis bac may naluyag to cmo na Shokoi.
Joi: bac noh?haha shokoi gid ya??
Mae: or mangingisda..
Joi: *on my bed staring at the heart coral* ngiiis???
Mae: or ang business niya fish
Joi: haha ok..*peeping at holes*
Mae: favorite color ya blue...
...or hilig xia sa water
...bac seaman?
...halaa..seaman 2od ngis.
Joi: *wala sapak* *staring intently at the coral and its holes*
ok ngis ah..himu2 ka namn storya.
Mae: gatuod bla ang ginahambl ko ngis
Joi: Weh????
Mae: 2od man..
Joi: wala ko labot kung cno mana xia..
basta nalipay ko di ya sa heart haha
Hearty and I are bedmates when asleep.^^
Heaven's surprises-
"a way of reminding that you're not alone.You are LOVED"
Maybe one of the reasons why until now Im not committed?
haha its because I enjoyed being ALONE.
I have EVERYTHING I needed.There's just one thing my heart's
missing-TRUE LOVE. Though I may not have the chance to be with him yet.
Im not desperate. You can't control forces.You can't control time. However, having that
connection is more than just owning him. Because in any ways his heart only belongs to the one.^^
Someday, it'll go back to its rightful
owner. There's no need to hurry.
In God's way. In God's time. It'll be our time.
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