My mind goes blank and I love it more than thinking of so many stuff on the same topic over and over again.
Do you have a psychic or a mystic friend , Lord? HAHAH Can i talk to her about some matters?
I've made a research on how to break the bond from the person I knew but it said when you'll have a soulmate encounter it would be difficult to break the bond. HU-WHY?When I don't think of this person it usually sprung on my mind from nowhere or in my dreams unexpectedly.
Honestly, July 2010 was my last contact with him. I greeted him on his birthday and that's all. I had forgotten him totally or rather consciously after that. So that time, I was busy doing a research about some more interesting stuff - esoteric knowledge.
I've lost my memory of him until on the last week of November. He reappeared in my dreams. So you see?
Weird because after watching the movie, I cried myself to sleep asking God to stop this connection and to take away those unwanted emotions I have for him. I asked what his role for me and then got that weird dream as a reply.
I still can't decipher the message. The weirdest of all, when I woke up in the morning, checking of fb is the usual thing, the same shirt color with I-dunno thing on his neck sent me a friend request on FB.
Pretty weird, isn't it? I hated when I remember what my reaction was. I feel my whole body become numb and my vision blurred.
I'm not exaggerating but I do really feel like fainting when the guy wearing that gray shirt on my dream showed up on FB. Coincident?I hope so. And another weird dream: A LITTLE LONGER
I still can't decipher the message. The weirdest of all, when I woke up in the morning, checking of fb is the usual thing, the same shirt color with I-dunno thing on his neck sent me a friend request on FB.
For now I don't wanna give connotations about this mysterious event in my life.
We became friends again this year. I've told him partly what I needed to tell and then I decided to make no contacts with him. I am hopeful that after pouring out those suppressed thoughts and emotions for years, I could break the bond with him. I am certain to myself that I've learned what I needed to learn from him Lord. So I think, its time to let go so I'd be finally feel FREE. Free to accept the real thing for me. I'm excited to encounter the "ONE".
i could feel he's just a mile away because I can smell the sweet aroma when the wind enters my nostrils. ♥ MEETING THE ONE ♥
Im so thankful on my encounter with the "guy in gray shirt" It really sped up my spiritual growth. I believe he was sent by God in preparation for meeting the "ONE".
FOCUS on the HERE and NOW.

ReplyDeletesalamat!! i love it too...♥