Thursday, January 1, 2009


Few months had passed and i say,i really missed his company.
i could jump out with excitement hearing a beep from him.
He would always check on me,
could go online just to accompany or even help me in times i have lot of loads to do
or just chitchatting without really nothing to say. just enjoying the moments together..

all of these are..
just a part of yesterday.(sobs)

somehow, everything had changed as to what you expect the less.
reading his message throbs me in pain.
Its not that i don't wanna hear from him. just that..


i don't know.

yeah, could still feel the presence.
..his cold presence. not his warmth.And it's torturing me inside.
a sweet torture that could sometimes cause me to paint a smile on my face for missing him
or at little times could drown me into a mud of gloom and hopelessness..

I wish God could get his way back to me..

♪..♫ There's nothing more i could do but waiting.
Half-wishing..(what the song is playing)♫ ♪♪

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