Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Visit at The Ruins

Summer had begun and at long last, after those series of trainings, interview and exams, our school has been giving out our endorsement letter to start our practicum in different establishments. But before preoccupying ourselves with work and busy schedule, the word "fun and enjoyment" had never been disregarded in our list since the school year began.

the usual kitchen routine - preparing, cooking, cleaning the area or
serving meals to the guests;
cleaning the guestrooms, public areas, etc;
had always been a very stressing and tiring work to all HM students.

You may never want to be under stressed all the time right?
So why don't give yourself a time to relax, and have fun?

Meet Diane.
She's a dear friend of mine. We started being friends during the 2nd semester. Doing things together always at school made us close. Then we started to knew each other and noticed we shared the same tastes in life..^^

What made us close?
we dream and do unusual things,
we love adventuring,
we laugh at the silliest/boring things we encounter,
we appreciate small things/pleasures,
we're not smokers, or alcoholics
and we're both crazy.

If I weren't transferred to another section, I may never have the chance to know her.
God's plan. I know. Thanks..^^


  1. hibi ka nman? juk.ahehe
    la ko b ubrahon..pra mgtigulang ko my basa-basahon ko nga memories bla aw..ahehe



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