Friday, April 15, 2011


Smiling for reasons I don't know.kapoy ngisi every now and then. Wish it would always be like this.
People could've mistaken me as psychotic.
But Im sure that my mind still thinks straight
I could still discern what's right from wrong, you know.

I'd love talking to trees especially the guava tree when I sit on the balcony.
My mom would ask me, who are you talking at?
That guava. Di pwede aw?^_^
The air I breathe smells good
I couldn't describe exactly the scent
but my nostrils knows that it has no scent.haha

But if I ask my soul to describe,
it really smells like a perfume.
And wherever I go, it smells alike.
So rich and full of love
And I feel like the whole universe harmonizes with me.

What a euphoric feeling.


  1. weeeeeeeeee............adik mo...
    urs joy....
    gna dare q self q...1month wala contact sa mga tawo nga klala q...i dare q bala joy...
    mas nami e dectahe ko..weee


  2. why??just to know something?to find urcelf?heheh



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