Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Heart 4 Sale?


what does your ava tell??
i just thought im just the one you------

yeah right, just a sort of my stupid imaginations.

can't bear this anymore..
why would people wants me to be happy then just leave like... like...

I dunno.
I dunno.
I dunno.

like the wind?? maybe.as what the song says...

That's it!
I surrender.
I won't allow anybody to let me fall again..not ever!
I ended up

I always thought he would be the one for me..
Because i have this strong weird feeling which I've just felt for the first time.
That He is really for me. weird as you would thought..
But i guess i should be leaving it to God..and let the fate do the work.
Of course, it pains me but I believe God's love & His plan for me never fails.

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