Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Canvas of Life


so glad about the progress i've made
but at the same time, scared.
for the fact that im beginning to lose someone.
I've been gone for a week and i think that worried him.It made me worry less for im holdin' on to his words, "im always here for you.." The problem is,if he knows how to keep those words. it don't matter if for them i seemed like nuts believing him. i don't really care. i wanna thank him for everything.. because of him, i was able to renew my life.. a lot of things i never realized before. but now, my eyes are widely open about the realities. It was then when he said i don't know how to balance my life, when i began to decide 'bout renewing.
my life is beginning to have its directions.
im so full of hope now,
my depression lessened,
starting to mingle with people,
i learn how to enjoy my life..
balance my time at school,
give time for my self to enjoy.
He had awaken me from a deep sleep. and im so grateful to God for sending me someone like him. If given a single wish, i'd like him to stay FOREVER. but i just cant love him unless i am whole. gradually,i have to pick up first the small pieces of me.

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