Saturday, December 6, 2008

Boredom Strikes


Listening to: Moment of Truth by Fm Static

ai excuse me, ano nlg ni ya?hahaha im na my gsbay skon.ahehe its ok.
ikaw nlg gni storyahon ko
ahai...if i could just type ALL whats playing on my mind, i would.
but maybe it would take me years to type everything what's stirring me up.LOL

wait.ill just get myself something to eat.*eating-a-donut mode*

im back.hmm..Nu nami nga fillings for choco cake mn?

hay huo joi.mau gd na nhimo mu.pulaw na nman.grrr
promiz,just a few more minutes.(few? more?LOL im confused)
i'll jz wait for my momci n company to arrive.

"♪..♫..and i miss you more
whenever i think about you.
..been so long since we've been talking
and in a few more days we'll both hook up,
forever and ever..

*photoshopping mode<---miz dz 1* guess i can sleep by now.ahehe gnyt... signing off


  1. excuse lang da ah..hook up??haha
    thought you were the one who oriented me about it's meaning???hahaha



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