Friday, December 19, 2008

Selfless Love?


A bitter truth:

Its hard to resist one's wishes or desires even though,
you could only have little or sometimes nothing left at all to give:-(
but still,you do spare what's been left on you
w/o giving concern about the outcomes.

You just give and give unselfishly.

For many times, it may seem okay.

But aren't they abusing your goodness?
Its because you just can't say NO to them
they could ask a favor in no time then?

At zero hours, things could go far beyond as what've been expected..
and asking favors beyond someone's limitations might sometimes reach its high peak
Sooner or later, it might wear out one's being without their thought.

However, when this happens have you ever been asking yourself or
Did these thoughts ever crossed your mind?
why am i so good?
why do i have to give when little or nothing's left on me?

Some may say that could be wrong sometimes.. *shrugs*
Giving without thinkin' of yourself at all. *this line confuses me,haha"
But how can you resist them when they're really in need of something?
You just can't say NO. Guilt stings you know..

And yeah.. that's it.
I could outlive the moments as long as Im aware of what I'm doing.
Maybe, that's just me? And that might be hard to change just for somebody..

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